The head of state was speaking at a meeting with representatives of the Portuguese community in Montreal, the first point of his official visit to Canada.

In front of a few hundred people, in the lounge of a hotel in Montreal, the President of the Republic asked: "Don't be disinterested, don't be alienated from the concern of the elections in Portugal. I speak very freely, I no longer have any elections ahead of me. Therefore, it is essential that you participate. Your participation gives you more strength in Portugal and more strength here. That is essential."

The head of state highlighted Canadian tourism in Portugal and, among these, highlighted the presence of "Portuguese-Canadians who arrive and either already had residence or started to have a new residence, and invest in Portugal".

"This is a new reality, it is a reality that is growing. It is not just what we owe throughout history to what they send from their savings, it is the belief in contributing to the Portugal of today and the Portugal of the future", added Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, considering that "this is invaluable".

Related articles: President begins Canada visit