At issue is a report published by the Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance of the European Parliament, which is based on calculations relating to a wealth tax of 0.5% on the richest in the European Union (EU), similar to that adopted in Spain at the beginning of this year (a temporary solidarity tax on large fortunes, exceeding three million euros).

According to estimates by the European Greens included in the document, "Portugal could raise a total of 3.7 billion euros for the public budget by applying a moderate and progressive wealth tax", a value corresponding to 1.55% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Furthermore, "by putting an end to the tax abuse of wealthy individuals who hide their fortunes in secret jurisdictions, Portugal could recover 473 million euros in tax revenue", adds the parliamentary group.

By starting to count on these total 4.2 billion euros, Portugal would be able, according to the European Greens, to cover "62% of the energy accessibility measures recently introduced by the Government" or "26% of the country's health expenses that would allow Portugal to employ an additional 214,019 hospital nurses".

The budget would also make it possible, for example, to "pay the salaries of 125,258 primary school teachers" or support "83% of the transport budget", they say.