Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa participated in the Climate Ambition Summit, at the headquarters of the United Nations (UN), in New York, and, in his speech, highlighted the measures adopted in Portugal to combat climate change.

In a reference to Portugal's commitments, the head of state said that the country will “anticipate in four years, to 2026, 80% renewables in electricity production and in 2030 100% renewables”, measures that were praised by Zero.

“Above all, Zero applauds Portugal's commitment”, says the environmental association in a statement, highlighting that the commitment to achieve 100% electricity from renewable sources in 2030 must be updated in the final version of the National Energy Plan and Climate which, in its preliminary version of June this year, pointed to 90%.

In a statement, Zero also welcomes the anticipation of climate neutrality from 2050 to 2045.

In Marcelo's intervention at the UN, the President of the Republic also asked for “more ambition and credibility with regard to climate action”.

In addition to the anticipation of goals, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa also announced that Portugal will "double its investment in science and technology applied to the seas".