As part of the “Vision of the Future for the sustainability of Destination Porto” initiative, the manifesto lists a series of advice to follow regarding nightlife, accommodation and tours and visits around the city.

Buying and supporting local businesses, tasting gastronomy, enjoying Port wine, but drinking in moderation, paying attention to noise so as not to disturb residents and not using the streets and walls as bathrooms are some of the recommendations of the manifesto that aims to involve and raise awareness among tourists about the good practices to adopt when visiting Porto.

As for accommodation, the manifesto recommends, among other things, that towels be reused, energy and water saved, as well as the establishment's rules being respected.

Exploring the city using public transport or bicycles and following the directions for each tourist attraction are other tips for anyone visiting the city.

At the airport, the manifesto will be distributed to travellers arriving in Porto to “raise awareness of the impact of their behaviour on the destination”.