The bands collectively raised an incredible €1,400 as a result of their 3-hour gig which was split equally between both worthy causes.

The Rockhopper’s Facebook post following the successful gig reads “A “Rockhopper” set was followed by a short, completely unrehearsed Punk Rock set as “The Dogz Nutz” and then a set from “The Buzz” and finally collaboration set as “BuzzHopper” with both of the band members cranking out some tunes together. An absolutely brilliant day.... We are Buzzing! Huge thanks to Victoria's for putting it on and The Buzz for a great collaboration.”

For those who missed the event, there are fantastic videos of the gig on both bands Facebook pages.

To keep up to date with The Rockhopper and where they are playing next please visit or search ‘Rockhopper Band’ on Facebook. Similarly to keep up with The Buzz please visit or search ‘The Buzz’ on Facebook.