In a written response, the ANSR states that, to date, 84,547 drivers have benefited from amnesty for additional sanctions for administrative offenses with a maximum applicable fine of up to 1,000 euros.

According to ANSR, additional sanctions (driving disqualification and vehicle seizure) for road infractions related to serious and very serious road traffic offenses, such as driving disqualification and vehicle seizure, are pardoned.

Drivers covered by this law of amnesty and forgiveness of sentences approved within the scope of WYD “are not exempt from paying the fine, which must always occur and within the established period, nor does it exempt the registration of the infraction in the Driver Infractions Register (RIC ) nor the loss of points, which continues to occur”.

The amnesty law, which came into force on September 1st, establishes that the pardon of additional sanctions applies regardless of the age of the offender, as long as the respective serious and very serious offenses were committed by 00:00 on 19 June 2023 and the maximum amount of the applicable fine does not exceed 1000 euros.

An ANSR source told Lusa that the majority of drivers benefited from the amnesty related to the additional sanction of disqualification from driving.

Serious and very serious offenses committed under the influence of alcohol or drugs, psychotropic substances, use of a cell phone, as they have maximum fine limits exceeding 1000 euros, are excluded from pardon, as well as the crimes of dangerous driving of a road vehicle and driving a vehicle while drunk or under the influence of narcotics or psychotropic substances and repeat offenders.

The law also establishes the forgiveness of sentences and amnesty for crimes and infractions committed by young people between 16 and 30 years old, determining a one-year pardon for all sentences of up to eight years in prison, in addition to an amnesty regime for infractions criminal offenses whose penalty does not exceed one year in prison or 120 days of fine.

The law includes exceptions to pardon and amnesty, not benefiting, in particular, those who have committed crimes of homicide, infanticide, domestic violence, ill-treatment, serious physical harm, female genital mutilation, qualified physical harm, forced marriage, kidnapping, against sexual freedom and self-determination, extortion, discrimination and incitement to hatred and violence, influence peddling, money laundering or corruption.