“Two years after the government of the right-wing coalition of the ‘New Times’ and what do we have? What dream drives the city? What projection of Lisbon in the future? What proposals do you present and do you have for Lisbon residents? Nothing, none, Lisbon continues to drift”, declared PS municipal deputy Carla Madeira.

As part of the debate on the state of the city, the socialist negatively criticised the leadership of the “Novos Tempos” coalition (PSD/CDS-PP/MPT/PPM/Aliança), which has governed without an absolute majority, since October 18, 2021, under the presidency of social democrat Carlos Moedas, who defeated Fernando Medina (PS) in the last local elections.

Carla Madeira pointed out flaws in the areas of urban hygiene, mobility, environment, security and housing.

“Lisbon is dirtier, we can’t ignore it, but it’s not the PS’s fault”, stated the socialist, noting that the “Novos Tempos” coalition is also against smooth mobility, creating obstacles to the implementation of cycle paths, as well as the increase in car traffic in the city.

The mayor responded to Carla Madeira's intervention: “I feel, and I say this with some sadness, that there is still a non-acceptance on the part of the Socialist Party, a non-acceptance of victory, and I think that this is problematic for our democracy”.

The leader of the PSD municipal group, Luís Newton, also considered that “the nostalgia that the PS has for the time it ruled the city was clear […] it doesn't know how to not be in charge, it's not governing, it doesn't know that”.