The aim of the gathering is to learn more about the operations of the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) and the Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária (ANSR - National Road Safety Authority) over the Christmas and New Year festive period, in terms of their priorities and tips we can learn from them in order to have a safe festive period. Information will also be provided by Câmara Municipal de Sāo Brás de Alportel.
The focus will be on the security of property over the Christmas period especially if a property will be empty, safe driving, Police enforcement and processes, reporting suspicious activities and crime, online scams especially shopping scams and safety tips.
Apart from the presenters we are honoured that Coronel Carlos Almeida Comandante do Comando Territorial de Faro da GNR, as well as Senhor Presidente da ANSR, Professor Doutor Rui Ribeiro will be present, so this will be a good opportunity to meet them personally.
There will be plenty of time for engagement with the presenters, as one of the aims is to discuss and answer your questions, on topics of interest to you. As we know during this period, people maybe away on holiday leaving their property unoccupied, pre-Christmas shopping online with the potential for scams, as well as a seasonable increase in road accidents and issues such as drink driving.
The location is: R. Dr. José Dias Sancho 61, 8150-141 São Brás de Alportel and there is adequate parking nearby.
To ensure there is adequate seating for all, please confirm that you will be attending by contacting no later than 14th November. We look forward to meeting you.