Lisbon: Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend with temperatures peaking at highs of 18 degrees and dropping to nightly lows of 13 degrees with cloud coverage predicted on both days. Bright skies and light rain predicted on Tuesday and Wednesday, however, temperatures remain consistent from the weekend.

The north: Rain is expected over the weekend in the north with cooler temperatures reaching highs of 18 degrees and nightly lows of 11 degrees on Saturday. The cooler weather and rain plans to stay until at least Wednesday with temperatures reaching highs of 17 degrees and nightly lows of 9 degrees.

The centre: Colder weather and cloud coverage is expected over the weekend with temperatures peaking at highs of 15 degrees and nightly lows of 9 degrees on Saturday. Light rain is expected Sunday and Wednesday next week with the temperatures remaining consistent, however, nightly lows will increase slightly to 11 degrees from Monday.

The south: The weekend will be dry with high cloud coverage and temperatures reaching highs of 19 degrees and nightly lows of 12 degrees on Sunday. The temperatures will remain stable throughout next week, however, the skies should be brighter than over the weekend with sunny spells and light cloud to be expected.

Madeira: High cloud coverage and warmer weather is predicted over the weekend with temperatures reaching highs of 24 degrees and nightly lows of 17 degrees on Saturday in Funchal. Sunny spells and slight cloud coverage to be expected throughout next week with light rain arriving on Wednesday despite temperatures remaining stable for the remainder of the week.

The Azores: Rain is expected over the weekend in the Azores with temperatures expected to peak at highs of 21 degrees and nightly lows of 17 degrees on Sunday. The wet weather is set to continue for the rest of next week with temperatures dropping to highs of 17 degrees and nightly lows of 12 degrees on Tuesday.