This initiative, promoted by the Council of São Miguel de Poiares, which manages a herd of goats, has now received a certification from Turismo de Portugal, earning the “green light” for the tourism promotion project, the municipality in the district of Coimbra announced in a press release sent to the Lusa Agency.

The project was pending official authorisation from Turismo de Portugal, but now it will be able to get off the ground and start offering the experience of being a "shepherd for a day".

“Shepherd for a day”, which requires prior registration, allows anyone, individually, in a group or as a family, “to follow the management of a herd of goats, in their natural habitats, as if they were a real shepherd.”

This initiative includes a visit to the Capril da Serra facilities, located in Serra do Bidoeiro, Vila Nova de Poiares, and information about the characteristics and lifestyle habit of the goats that live there.

The aim of the project is to "publicise and raise awareness of the potential of the Capril da Serra. As well as experiencing being a shepherd, people can realise the importance of these animals in terms of environmental protection, as the real "shoe goats" clean up the woods and forests.

This activity can be carried out every day, from 8 December until as long as there are the right weather conditions.

Prior registration must be made through the direct contacts of the São Miguel de Poiares Parish Council, by telephone (+351 239 421 513) or e-mail (