The Quarteira Social Canteen (€3,600), Martim Cruz, a patient with dystonic tetraparesis - cerebral palsy (€5,000), The Big Hand project (€1,500), and the Mãozinhas Solidárias association (€500) are the four charitable causes that the school community is supporting this year. In addition to these monetary amounts, CIV’s staff also sponsored 30 children and five grandparents supported by the Mãozinhas Solidárias association, with gifts of basic necessities.

As a result of the Christmas Fair, the food stalls organized by all the different classes and the Students Representative Council (SRC), along with the campaigns to collect food and second-hand clothes, food items were also distributed to the Existir Association Food Bank; clothes, toys, and school supplies to the Quarteira Social Canteen.

Finally, as part of the "Solidarity begins at home" campaign, run by Cáritas Diocesana Algarve, CIV collected and delivered 180 gift shoeboxes full of presents for children in need to whom Cáritas provides support.

"Committed to humanist values, and certain that changing the world begins with each one of us, through our contribution towards promoting values of solidarity, a culture of peace, active citizenship, and a relationship with others, CIV’s community annually reiterates its commitment to the institutions, projects, and people who count on our support", said Cidália Ferreira Bicho, CIV's Pedagogical Director.