“The growth of anti-Semitism in Europe should be a warning sign for everyone and, unfortunately, I think it happened very quickly”, said Levine, in Covilhã, after highlighting that “destabilisation in the Middle East is a concern for everyone.”

During a visit to Belmonte and Covilhã, in the district of Castelo Branco, the diplomat introduced herself as “an American Jewish woman”, who feels that also in Portugal there is hostile behaviour against people of Jewish origin, in certain cases “a negative discourse, of hate.”

Levine travelled to Belmonte, where a Jewish community is concentrated, and visited the Jewish Museum and the town's synagogue, accompanied by the local rabbi - and then to Covilhã, where there is also the old Jewish quarter.

“Following the history of Jews in Portugal is important to me, particularly now, because of the rise of global anti-Semitism, including in Europe,” said Levine.

The diplomat emphasised that, since she has been working in Portugal, she has promoted interaction with representatives of different religions and highlighted that communication with other elements of the community is important.

“I am a Jewish woman, I am very proud of my origins. I arrived here, participated, organised inter-religious dialogues in my home, invited people from the Indian community, the Muslim community and I think that we should not be afraid to combat hate speech”, stressed the diplomat.

At the Covilhã Chamber, where she was received by the president, Vítor Pereira, the ambassador highlighted the “bridge between the ancient and the modern” that she found in the two locations she visited and that allowed her to “learn more about history”.

“It is wonderful for me to see that there are those who preserve the history of the Jews, the mark they left in Portugal and honour this history”.