The ban on the sale of drinks on the street, from 01:00, in Bairro Alto, Bica, Cais do Sodré and Santos is another proposal.

“We have had several complaints, both from residents and from parishes, namely about noise, insecurity, and some crime, which have to do with nighttime activity”, said the councillor for Economy, Diogo Moura (CDS-PP).

Speaking to Lusa, he explained that the existence of “a permanent conflict, often in certain critical areas of the city”, between the noise generated by nighttime activity and the residents’ right to rest, motivates the change to the Business Hours Regulation.

“We understand that it is time to make changes to this regulation, therefore we bring numerous changes to this regulation”, said Diogo Moura, noting that the current one dates from 2016 and has not undergone changes to date, despite the dynamics of economic activity in the city of Lisbon, particularly during the night, “completely changing” leading to “more complaints”.

Among the changes to the municipal regulations, which apply to the entire territory of the city, the mayor highlighted the proposal that “all establishments up to 100 square meters [m²] and selling alcoholic beverages will be treated as convenience stores, therefore they will have to close at 22:00”.

It is also foreseen that in establishments with more than 100 m² considered “problematic in terms of alcohol consumption or purchase of alcohol,” the council may decide, “by order, to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages”.

Other proposed changes include the obligation for establishments to also have sound limiters on televisions and on terraces that have sound amplification, including background music, and the existence of different opening hours between the terrace and the establishment.

“It doesn’t make sense to sanction the entire business when the focus is only on the terrace, so we are going to set a different timetable for the terraces until 24:00”, indicated Diogo Moura, noting that, at this moment, when the council restricts schedules due to noise complaints, it is for the entire space.

In addition to the amendment to the regulations, the chamber wants to move forward with a measure provided for in the current regulations, which came at the request of the Misericórdia Parish Council, under the presidency of Carla Madeira (PS), and which aims to prohibit the sale of drinks in the street, from 01:00, for all establishments located in Bairro Alto, Bica, Cais do Sodré and Santos.

“Nowadays we have a huge crowd of people in this area of the city, on the street, which has caused some problems, not only insecurity but also crowding and noise, especially in the Cais do Sodré area”.

Another of the proposals endorsed by councilor Diogo Moura is for Rua de São Paulo and adjacent arteries, “which is the area where there is the highest rate of complaints, of various levels” so that establishments can prove that they meet the requirements to carry out the activity, demonstration that the use of the building or fraction is compatible with the activity and, when applicable, presentation of a premises license.

If the operator of the establishment located in this area does not request an extension of opening hours, at the end of the six-month period from the entry into force of the proposal, “the opening hours are 11:00 pm, every day of the week”.

The three proposals, which are independent of each other, will be discussed on Wednesday in a private meeting of the municipal executive and, if approved, will be subject to public consultation.