Among these breakthroughs, Aquabeam stands out as a revolutionary technique gaining prominence in modern surgery.

Aquabeam utilises a high-pressure water jet to perform precise and delicate cuts during surgical procedures. This truly minimal invasive approach offers significant benefits, including shorter recovery times, reduced risk of infections and minimal side effects.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a common condition affecting ageing men, underscores the importance of these advancements. BPH can significantly impact the quality of life, causing symptoms such as frequent urination, difficulty starting or maintaining a steady stream, and a sense of incomplete bladder emptying.

One of the notable advantages of Aquabeam is its truly minimal invasive nature. The procedure minimises disruption to surrounding tissues, leading to quicker healing and less postoperative discomfort. Additionally, Aquabeam operates as a heat-free robotic technology that allows for a much higher chance of sexual life preservation.

Recently, King Charles underwent surgery using Aquabeam technology to address BPH, showcasing his confidence in this advanced method. His choice to opt for this approach not only reflects the effectiveness of Aquabeam but also highlights the impact BPH can have on individuals, regardless of their status.

King Charles’s case serves as a reminder that conditions like BPH are prevalent and can greatly affect the well-being of men. It emphasises the importance of seeking help and exploring advanced treatments, such as Aquabeam, to alleviate symptoms and improve overall quality of life.

In summary, Aquabeam is transforming how we perceive surgery, offering a truly minimal invasive, heat-free alternative, beneficial in cases like BPH. King Charles’s experience not only demonstrates confidence in this innovative technology but also encourages men to prioritise their health, seek assistance for common conditions, and appreciate the advanced benefits of Aquabeam, including the preservation of sexual function.

The HPA Urology Group has been in the vanguard of complex and differentiated interventions for several years now, performing retrograde renal surgeries since 2014 and laparoscopic prostatectomies and laparoscopic cystectomies since 2018. Last year they performed a total intracorporeal robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery (ileal conduit urinary diversion). This advance was possible due to robotic forceps being used in laparoscopic surgery for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula.

Robotic instruments were used for the first time in a case of carcinoma of the prostate in December 2020. In laparoscopic surgery, the use of robotic instruments is safer in terms of the surgical procedure, permitting better results for patients, in functionality and quality of life.

Robotic surgery provides patients with faster control of the urinary sphincter, a shorter hospital stays and the need for a urine catheter for a shorter period of time (compared to open surgery).

by Prof. Tiago S Rodrigues, MD, PhD, Urologist

For more information please contact HPA Grupo Saude on (+351) 282 420 400.