The Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Floretas (ICNF) has authorised wild boar hunting in tourist hunting areas (ZCT) with less than 400 hectares, and ZCT management entities may change their Planos de Ordenamento e Exploração Cinergética (POEC) for this purpose.

However, the exploitation of a small number of species in these ZCTs leads to over-exploitation of that species or group of species.

As maintained by the ICNF, “in tourist hunting areas with less than 400 hectares, in accordance with Decree-Law no. 202/2004, of August 18, where only one of the species or group of species can be exploited, identified that the wild boar should be included in all “species groups”, taking into account the need to control the population, as well as the conclusions of the Plano Estratégico e de Ação do Javali em Portugal.

Entities which own or manage hunting areas, who are interested in carrying out measures to correct the density of wild boar can request these actions from the ICNF.