According to DECO PROteste: “When it comes time to submit the IRS declaration, the refund amount may be lower or there may be more tax to pay".

In order to increase reimbursement or reduce the tax payable, DECO PROteste states that expenses incurred throughout 2023 must be deducted through the validation of invoices issued in that year, a process that can be done on the e-Fatura portal until the 26th of February.

"By associating each expense with the respective sector, the taxpayer benefits from deductions in health, education, housing, and homes, in addition to general family expenses. If there are expenses that do not appear in the e-Invoice by March 31, the taxpayer must enter them manually in the IRS declaration during the filing season, which runs from April to June", recommends the organisation.

DECO PROteste states that outstanding invoices that remain after February 26, 2024, do not initially count as a deduction in the IRS, but "there are expenses such as health, education, homes and real estate that can be entered manually in the IRS declaration ".

"If it's like last year when many people leave it to the last minute or miss the validation deadline, it may still be possible to make some deductions manually. In fact, if invoices are not validated within the deadline, the expenses will already will not be taken into account automatically by the Tax Authority. This means that these deductions must be entered manually in the IRS declaration".

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