According to Sapo news, the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) warned this evening, of the worsening of weather conditions in the next 48 hours, with rain, strong wind, sea turmoil, and snowfall, especially in the center and north of the country.

Based on forecasts from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), ANEPC warns of precipitation on Wednesday, especially in the north and central coastal regions, from the late afternoon, and for a gradual increase in wind intensity, sometimes blowing strongly in the coastal strip and in the highlands.

For Thursday, the rain extends to the entire continental territory, but with special intensity in the north and center and in the mountainous areas, with snowfall expected at the highest points of the Serra da Estrela, gradually lowering the quota to 800/1,000 m of altitude at the end of the day.

For the same day (Thursday) a strong wind is expected to predominate from the western quadrant, gradually increasing in intensity and sometimes blowing strongly in the coastal strip and highlands, with gusts of up to 70 kilometers per hour, as well as a gradual increase in maritime agitation, with worsening from the early morning.

Based on these forecasts, the Civil Protection warns of slippery road road conditions due to the possibility of accumulation of ice, snow, and formation of water sheets, snowfall in areas and at altitudes where it is usually not verified, and difficulties in the drainage of urban systems, namely those verified in periods of sea-sea, which may cause floods in the historically most vulnerable places.

It also warns of possible accidents on the coastal edge due to strong maritime agitation, floods in urban areas, caused by accumulation of rainwater by obstruction of flow systems or by coastal overlay, the possibility of falling branches or trees, as well as the affectation of infrastructure associated with communications and energy networks and damage to assembled or suspended structures.

Civil Protection recalls that "the possible impact of these effects can be minimized, especially through the adoption of appropriate behaviors", making some recommendations, especially for the historically most vulnerable areas.

It recommends, among other things, a redoubled attention to the most vulnerable groups (children in the first years of life, chronically ill, elderly people or people in a condition of greater isolation, workers who work abroad, and homeless people), to ensure adequate fixation of loose structures, namely scaffolding, placards and other suspended structures, and care in the circulation and permanence near wooded areas, being attentive to the possibility of falling branches and trees, due to stronger wind.

It also asks for special care in the circulation along the coastal waterfront and riverside areas historically more vulnerable to coastal overpasses, avoiding circulation and permanence in these places, not practicing activities related to the sea, namely sport fishing, water sports and walks by the sea — also avoiding the parking of vehicles very close to the seafront –, the adoption of defensive driving and avoiding circulation on roads affected by snow accumulation.