But while towns like Mussomeli in Sicily and Zungoli in Campania have managed to offload various abandoned buildings to foreigners longing to live the Italian dream, some have struggled to sell their empty properties.

Among them is Patrica, a remote medieval village of barely 3,000 residents located south of Rome, where more than 40 properties deserted in the early 1900s have been left to rot.
In an attempt to breathe new life into the dying village, the town’s mayor Lucio Fiordaliso has been trying to emulate the success of other Italian villages who’ve put their empty homes up for sale for one euro, or just over a dollar.
In the UK there has been a great TV series with two well-known personalities who 'buy' a one euro home in Italy and renovate it. They've done two so far.
By Jane Callaghan from Lisbon on 30 Mar 2024, 13:59