“The PSD Government has no solution to lowering the price of houses, there is no measure for mortgages, the banks will continue to profit from the interest on housing loans, for lowering rents there are no measures, all that is allowed is more savagery in the rental market, when people are already so unprotected, no measures to contain external demand, no measures to contain local accommodation, no measures to contain hotels”, said Mariana Mortágua.

In Porto, in a street at Feira da Senhora da Hora, the bloc leader also accused the executive of wanting to push the middle class to the outskirts, leaving the city centres for “the rich and tourists”.

Faced with the Housing measures presented on Friday by the executive led by Luís Montenegro, the BE coordinator left some questions: “We try to combat [the lack of housing] by saying that we are going to build a lot. First, in how many years? People who are 30 years old today and want a family, or 40 years old, have to wait until they are 60 to have a house built who knows where, and in the meantime, how has their life turned out?”, she asked, considering that "this construction is not large enough to deal with housing problems".

Mariana Mortágua also wanted to “draw attention” to “one thing that is said” in the Government program: “We are going to build houses on the outskirts of cities and create transport for people to go to work”.

“The PSD's plan is to have a middle class that inhabits overcrowded outskirts while the city centres are for tourism and the rich and then there is transport that takes people who live in the outskirts to serve tourism and the rich in hotels and restaurants and all the amenities that our cities can offer because they have become tourist postcards”, she criticised.