The coordinator of the Bloco de Esquerda, who spoke during a lunch with activists, in Viana do Castelo, said that the project, called Vida Boa, will be debated, within the scope of a potential agenda scheduled for Wednesday.

“Whoever loves a country wants the good of its people, without looking at who. It is this vision of the country that the Left Bloc does not give up on. Why can't we work four days a week, so we have time for our children, for leisure? (…) Why does life have to be spent working to avoid getting off the minimum wage or a salary that doesn’t pay for the house,” she asked.

For Mariana Mortágua, "a good life is guaranteeing the replacement of vacations taken by the 'troika'. A good life is guaranteeing those who have children another five days of leave, without any justification."

“We know that having dependent children means more time has to be dedicated to the family and this responsibility is not always up to women. It’s up to everyone, it’s up to society,” she stressed.

For Mariana Mortágua, “in the first 30 days of the Government of Montenegro, the promises made during the electoral campaign disappeared because they did not exist”.

“We saw an electoral campaign in which the PSD talked about low wages, about public services that didn't work, housing that was only for a few, about the emigration of young people who couldn't afford to stay in Portugal. A campaign in which the PSD made electoral promises, promised civil servants careers and salaries, security forces, doctors, nurses, and court officials, promised a fiscal shock to the country against the embezzlement that allegedly existed in the IRS. He promised to free the State machinery from party ties. These are promises that survive the plan that the Government has for the country”, she said.