In general, the average price per hour for cleaning is around 10 euros, according to a report by idealista. However, prices can vary between 8 and 15 euros, depending on certain factors such as geographic location, complexity of the work, years of experience, and time of year.

Geographic location

The cost of domestic cleaning can vary from region to region in Portugal. For example, metropolitan areas such as Lisbon and Porto may have higher prices due to the higher cost of living and a greater demand for these services. On the other hand, in rural or less populated areas, prices may be more affordable.

Complexity of work

The price can also be influenced by the complexity of the cleaning tasks. A basic cleaning, which includes vacuuming, and cleaning surfaces and bathrooms, will generally be lower in cost than a more in-depth cleaning, which may involve cleaning windows, removing stubborn stains, or cleaning hard-to-reach areas.

Experience and credentials

Cleaning professionals with more experience or specific certifications may charge more for their services. This is because they can offer higher quality work and have specialized skills to deal with different types of surfaces and materials.

Time of the year

At certain times of the year, such as during the holiday season or before the summer season, demand for home cleaning services can increase. This can lead to a temporary increase in prices as supply tries to keep up with demand.

What are the employer's obligations?

Since May 1, 2023, domestic workers, whether full-time or only occasionally, have the right to social protection. Domestic work that is not declared is now considered a crime, punishable by a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine of up to 360 days, which can reach 180,000 euros.

If you have a domestic helper or are considering hiring one, find out the steps you need to take:

  • Social Security registration;
  • Pay the mandatory monthly contributions to Social Security, between the 10th and 20th of the month following the month in which you work. The minimum amount to be paid (30 hours per month) is 13.78 euros, but you will also have to pay the part relating to the worker, 6.85 euros;
  • Declare to Finance the income paid to the worker in the previous year by the end of January (Model 10);
  • Take out work accident insurance.

In addition, you must take into account the payment of holiday and Christmas allowances, which are stipulated by law. As for the written employment contract, it is optional. Unless the contract is for a previously determined time (term).