The municipal executive approved by the majority, with the Left Bloc voting against, submitting to public consultation the amendment to the Urbanization Plan of Vale de Santo António, signed by the Urbanism councillor, Joana Almeida, from the Novos Tempos coalition (PSD/CDS-PP /MPT/PPM/Aliança), with changes from the PCP and Citizens for Lisbon (CPL).

For Joana Almeida, the change to the Vale de Santo António Urbanization Plan represents “an important day for the city” in the sense of requalifying a “degraded” and forgotten area, allowing Lisbon to “have a new neighbourhood in the city”, in the parishes of São Vicente, Beato, and Penha de França.

The amendment to the plan envisages the construction of “2,400 new homes, for an estimated 6,000 inhabitants” and a “total construction area of around 300,000 square meters [m2]”, for “housing, commerce, services”, and “of which 50,000 m2 are for teaching, social support, and sports equipment”.

The mayor highlighted in the proposal that, in terms of reference, the “promotion of affordable rentals” is included, with the “opportunity to increase the municipal public housing stock with the aim of affecting affordable rental programs promoted by the municipality, and to settle families and young population in this territory”.