"No precipitation is expected throughout the week, although there is a low probability of light precipitation in the north coastal area in the first weekend of June".

As for temperatures, the IPMA highlights that "we will see a new generalised rise, with maximum temperatures in the interior of the country reaching typical summer values throughout the week".

Highlighted is the Alentejo area, "with several areas which will have maximum temperatures always above 30°C and the Guadiana valley area is expected to reach 35°C on some of these days".

The "maximum temperature should vary between 23°C and 32°C in the North and Central interior regions, in the southern region it will vary between 27°C and 35°C, in the west coastal area we will have maximum temperatures between 21°C and 29°C and in the south coastal area we will have maximum temperatures between 25°C and 32°C".