Speaking to the Lusa agency, the president of the Alqueva Development and Infrastructure Company (EDIA), José Pedro Salema, explained that, previously, a tender had already been launched for these projects, which was left empty.

“EDIA took the decision to slightly reformulate and divide it into three procedures”, which are now launched, unlike the previous one which was “a larger procedure, which was left without proposals”, said the person in charge.

This option of dividing the four contracts into three competitions, he explained, aims to “stimulate competition and try to expand the range of companies that have the capacity and interest in competing so that better proposals emerge”.

The public tender for the installation, operation, and maintenance of a Production Unit for Self-Consumption (UPAC) at the Amoreira Pumping Station, with a base price of 12 million euros, was published, on Wednesday, in Diário da República (DR).