DECO Associação will be waiting for you at the Faro Municipal Market on Friday, 7 June, at 10.30 am, where they will perform an interactive and improvised theatre piece called "LESS PLASTIC, BETTER PLANET!"

This activity, which will take place during the morning and will welcome various guests including a school, has the collaboration of the Municipality of Faro and Ambifaro. Simultaneously, you will be presented with information regarding the pressing need to modify consumption patterns, adopt a more mindful and sustainable approach to decision-making, and offer cost and environmentally-effective alternatives.

Three very special characters will engage in a dialogue about the overuse of plastic, its effects on the environment, and what consumers can do to change the situation through this improvised theatre piece. The characters will move around the market area just like any other consumer.

Engaging in dialogue with shoppers and vendors at market stalls, the performers will address weighty issues while conveying, via their personas, arguments in favour of more eco-friendly choices which also help customers save money.