June has been good for the pockets of Portuguese drivers and from next Monday expect a further drop in fuel prices – and this time in a 'generous' way.

“The evolution of prices in euros points to a drop in prices of 3 cents per litre for 95 gasoline and 3 cents in the price for diesel”, says a source from one of the main national oil companies to 'Executive Digest'.

Prices at gas stations next to hypermarkets follow the same line. “Next week’s trend will be for a drop of 0.0292 euros in 95 gasoline and 0.0269 euros in diesel,” says another source.

Diesel will record, after a further drop next week – it will be the 9th consecutive week of decline -, its lowest value in 2024: in this period, the price fell from 1.644 to 1.521 €/litre, 12.3 cents less. In the case of 95 gasoline, this will be the 7th week in a row with bill relief – from 1,821 to 1,715 €/litre, 10.6 cents less. Remember that the lowest value recorded this year was on January 1st when 95 gasoline was worth €1.643/litre.

Since the beginning of the year, the price of diesel per litre has fallen by 1.6 cents: the scenario is different in the case of 95 gasoline, which has become 9 cents more expensive. This means that filling a 60 litre tank of diesel costs almost one euro less. To top up a tank of 95 petrol it takes 5.4 euros more than in the first week of January.

Data from the General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG) show that the average price of a litre of 95 gasoline in Portugal currently costs 1,729 euros while diesel is worth 1,549 euros.

Quotes may, however, vary across gas stations, as the price set on the network also takes into account the level of competition, supply, and demand in each market, and the level of fixed costs at each station.