“A group of trade union organisations have met to analyse the negotiation processes at CP and IP [Infraestruturas de Portugal], having, for now, decided to deliver a strike notice to CP for the 28th of June”, reads the joint statement.
The strike covers all workers and will last throughout the day, safeguarding “situations of entry before 00:00 hours and exits after 24:00 hours on that day”.
The document in question is signed by the Union Association of Intermediate Managers of Railway Operations (ASCEF), the Independent Union Association of Commercial Railway Workers (ASSIFECO), the National Union of Transport, Communications and Public Works (FENTCOP), the National Union of Railway Workers of the Movement and Related (SINAFE), by the National Democratic Railway Union (Sindefer) and by the Independent Union of Railway, Infrastructure and Related Workers (SINFA).
The National Independent Union of Railway Workers (SINFB), the Independent Union of Railway Operators and Related (SIOFA), the National Union of Technical Staff (SNAQ), the Federation of Transport and Communications Unions (Fectrans) and the Railway Transport Union ( STF) also signed the decision.
These unions state that the CP administration's proposals do not respond to the need to enhance the careers of all the company's workers.
“It is time to move from the discontent expressed in workplace conversations to action and struggle. All together, in unity, we will demonstrate to the CP administration and sectoral supervision that workers want to see their working conditions improved”, they highlighted.
Is the strike still on as there is no mention on the CP website ?
By Paul travil from Other on 24 Jun 2024, 13:34