With the theme "Everything is reduced to nature," Braga is running for European Green Capital 2026, in line with a recent trend of promoting sustainability, and aims to have other European cities following its path. The European Commission awards this honour to cities with a population of 100,000 or more that exemplify social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

The Mayor of Braga, Ricardo Rio, highlighted that Capital Verde is, “more than a mere set of indicators, a process of transforming a territory, to make it increasingly sustainable and environmentally friendly”, adding that “that’s what we’ve been doing in recent years”. The mayor reminded everyone that "a green capital is not a perfect city," since there will always be noise, pollution, environmental incidents, and/or fallen trees. However, he continued by saying that "Braga is currently running because it has real, observable requirements to receive this distinction”. According to Ricardo Rio, one of the goals is to have other European cities follow Braga's lead.

One of Braga's treasures is Parque das Sete Fontes, which will span 90 hectares and be "the largest eco-monumental park in the country," according to the municipality. Monte do Picoto, "which, in 2018, became the largest Urban Native Forest Park in the country, with 21.2 hectares," is another important location. Highlights also include the four-kilometer Ecovia do Este, a 76-kilometer bike path that will be completed in 2025, and the restoration of the three-hectare Parque das Camélias and the four-hectare Parque do Bom Jesus, which will involve the planting of native plants and the eradication of invasive ones.