After being filmed naked, in broad daylight, in a bar area, last weekend, the GNR proceeded to identify them at the beginning of this week, according to Notícias ao Minuto.

In statements to SIC, which reports the news, the municipality emphasises that it has asked nightlife entrepreneurs to tighten control.

"It makes no sense for us to have created a strategy, it makes no sense for us to spend money on promotion when cases of this type happen, which are deeply negative and do not dignify anyone", says José Rolo, president of Albufeira City Council, speaking to the channel.

The municipality says that nightlife will always be important for Albufeira, but admits to changing the opening hours of bars and calls on business owners to take measures.

The municipal executive will also request a meeting with the Minister of Internal Administration to request the reinforcement of policing in the city.

In the images, which you can see here, you can see a group of British men, between 35 and 50 years old, naked in a bar in Albufeira.

WARNING: The video shows images of nudity