Presented by the Lisbon Chamber, under the presidency of Carlos Moedas (PSD), the proposal modifies a contract signed by the municipality in 1997 establishing the right to the underground surface, in favour of the company ESLI - Parques de Estajamento, S.A., for the construction and exploration of a public underground parking lot under Jardim de São Pedro de Alcântara, which was not implemented due to geological impediments.

Almost three decades later, the council and the company ESLI reached an agreement to change the location of the car park, with the contract being carried out on a municipal plot adjacent to the Alvalade Market, with an area of ​​2,325.39 square meters.

In addition to changing the location, the proposal determines the "change in the term of validity of the surface right from 35 years to 41 years, starting from the start of the operation, even if partial, of the car park".

When presenting the proposal, the vice-president of the chamber, Filipe Anacoreta Correia (CDS-PP), who is responsible for Mobility, recalled that this contract has "a long history" and the relocation to Alvalade aims to respond to the needs of the population of this parish and enhance the availability of the investor who has concession rights for a car park.

The new car park in Alvalade should be completed "at the beginning of next year", said Anacoreta Correia, stating that this solution will free up the public space and assign it to other uses.

"We do not support the idea that building car parks is an agenda contrary to sustainability", stated the vice-president of the chamber, reinforcing that this idea "is a mistake" and stressing that it is not about promoting the use of cars, but rather to have new intentions of occupying public space.