"55% of those surveyed on holiday this summer chose our country for financial reasons and 28% because it corresponded to the type of holiday they wanted", they revealed.

On the other hand, for 32% the attractiveness of the destination is what most influences the choice of a destination outside Portugal.

At the same time, 30% chose a foreign destination because it is the type of holiday they wanted, and 29% because of the financial cost.

Regarding the payment of holiday expenses, 49% of respondents intend to use a credit card, a lower figure compared to the last two years (58% in 2021 and 64% in 2022), but 10% higher than in 2020.

However, the average amount that respondents plan to spend during their holiday period is 1,005.57 euros, meaning that 1 in 4 Portuguese people intend to spend more than last year (54 euros more than in 2022 and 347 euros less than in 2019).

Accommodation is the part of the holiday that the Portuguese plan to spend the most, on average more than 450 euros.

The majority of Portuguese people choose Portugal to spend their summer holidays, with 37% of Portuguese people intending to take a holiday outside the country, exceeding pre-pandemic figures (30% in 2019).