The cooler indoors beckons to us all. Sensibly. Some doggies do need encouraging, braving the barometer at all odds. A large, cold damp towel laid gently over a heavily panting woof, is a kindness. A cool bowl of water nearby and not too many fatty treats will help keep the pressure down. Dogs panting is a good sign, they are actually coping as they sweat through their tongues. A dog who cannot get refreshed quickly will go into a sad heat stroke and some do not recover. Avoid, at all costs, that mad dash into the cool pool, or surfing the sea. If inclined make sure you do this at the start or close of the day when it is a lot cooler.

The market is full of bedding for our pets in-store or online. Some are obviously better than others, but each to their own! The size of the dog will for instance dictate whether or not you purchase a large bed that has to be cooled in the fridge or freezer. Move over! Or, the newer keep cool on contact may be the answer. Some of our human friends have adopted this amazingly comforting cooler to bed for themselves. Hmm. If, you are lucky enough your pet will find the coolest place to flop onto, cold tiles in the far end of a shaded room perhaps. Laying a thick towel down for golden oldies will soften the contact for older bones.

APAA, the Association for Protection of Animals Algarve, is always ‘Here to Help’. Jenny Clarke, their President, has been trying to take some time out in between the busy 2023-2024 schedule of events, car-boot sales, and pop-up shops. Rescuing Abandoned animals, helping Zélia Santos with their SNiP campaign concentrating on the reduction of feral cats, and creating safe Cat-colonies with their Spaying & Neutering Programme. “It has been extra busy on the cat front, but just as one group of cats gets sorted, another emerges. It has to be one of the worst years of hyperactivity amongst the cat world.” The fight goes on.

Raising money has been successful, due to the ‘Pop-Up’ Shops run by Jenny and Anita, the car-boot sales, rained off occasionally but, nevertheless, successful as income grows. “We have managed to accrue some funds, that we decided, as an Association, could help others.” Great. ”We couldn’t give all the applicants the money they requested. But, we gave, so everyone was happy!”

Don’t forget their two wonderful charity shops in Alvor and Silves. Full of sumptuous bargains, bags, sandals, dresses, and stuff for the home.

Contact: Jenny