Free of charge and with no need for prior registration, the activity is part of the ‘Forum Family Garden’.

The astronomical observations of the Moon will be led by João Costa, creator of the ‘Astro Faro’ project. João Costa's interest in astronomy emerged early on, but it was only in 2020 that João Costa, motivated by the confinement imposed by the pandemic situation, bought his first telescope and began exploring this activity. His enthusiasm for astronomical observations led him to want to share them with the public, who will now be able to experience this at Forum Algarve.

“It is already a tradition for Forum Algarve to mark the summer season with activities for the whole family. This year, we decided to go beyond the entertainment facilities and music on offer, joining the ‘Astro Faro’ project and thus complementing the ‘Forum Family Garden’ programme”, says Sérgio Santos, Director of Forum Algarve.