“I recall a commitment that we will not give up: to give young people the future they deserve”, states Luís Montenegro on the social network X.
No Dia Internacional da Juventude, relembro um compromisso de que não abdicamos: dar aos jovens o futuro que merecem.
— Luís Montenegro (@LMontenegropm) August 12, 2024
Vamos dar-lhes ferramentas para terem boas qualificações, bons empregos e boas oportunidades para serem quem quiserem num País seguro, sustentável e dinâmico.
The Prime Minister’s promise is to give young people the “tools to have good qualifications, good jobs, and good opportunities”, allowing them “to be whoever they want to be in a safe, sustainable and dynamic country”.
Sure, how about tools like: study hard, work hard, save money, invest money. Other than that government can't do anything. Europeans must really get over the delusion that handouts, which the state confiscate from others, actually accomplishes anything.
By Tony from USA on 13 Aug 2024, 20:39
The jobs centers and universities in Lisbon, Faro, or Porto are not accessible to students not near Lisbon, Faro, or Porto. A missed opportunity for students and youth that are willing to train, or extend their education/knowledge, but cannot, due to unavailable housing, train, bus, metro strikes. Hybrid classes and training - for instructors and professors to sometimes travel, or work with locales, for these hybrid student groups.
By S from Alentejo on 13 Aug 2024, 20:52
I came here to comment and discovered Tony above said it all for me. Opportunity and success in life don't come from govt, but from your own efforts, work ethic and initiative. Montenegro is speaking like a Socialist who thinks govt should control and run people's lives for them.
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 14 Aug 2024, 11:11