“We understand that it is, in fact, time for abolition”, stated Inês Sousa Real.

In a speech lasting around 30 minutes, in which she criticized the PSD Government for continuing to be indifferent to animal welfare, the PAN spokesperson understood that it is necessary to value animal life and dignity more than entertainment based on violence.

Saying that it is time to adapt legislation to reality and the 21st century, Inês Sousa Real stressed that the referendum on bullfighting is an opportunity to show that the country is “on the right side of history and progress”.

“In Portugal, we have a large majority of Portuguese people who support the abolition of bullfighting, so it makes no sense for the political powers to continue to ignore this large majority”, she stressed.

Inês Sousa Real said that it is necessary to take “a civilisational step”, because bullrings cannot continue to be places where animals suffer.

The PAN spokesperson also added that the “violence of bullfighting” does not only affect bulls and horses, but also people.

In this regard, the PAN spokesperson recalled the cases of people who were seriously injured or died as a result of bullfighting.

“We cannot be a society that applauds violence”, she stressed.