‘Water memory’, a term used to suggest that water can store and respond to the information it was exposed to, became widely known when Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto’s book, ‘Messages in Water’, came out. His microscopic photos of ice crystals depicted varying ice structures based on positive or negative influences. Beautiful snowflake-like geometries would form in the positively influenced water, but the negatively influenced water would fail to form coherent patterns. Although Emoto’s work was not embraced by the scientific community, he opened the doorway for thousands of people to view themselves as bodies of water, sensitive to thoughts, words, music, emotions and the environment.
Springboarding from Emoto’s work, but using a different technique, researcher, educator, artist, author, and Matakana local Veda Austin, has been making huge waves in the world of water. Appearing on Gaia TV, and speaking on hundreds of podcasts and interviews, she is famous in her field overseas, but less known in New Zealand. Using her self-founded crystallographic method, Veda photographs water at a specific phase known as liquid crystal, a sensitive stage between liquid and solid.

Veda is best known for her remarkable ice images that resemble their influence or stimuli prior to freezing. For example, she put her hand in the water, and it showed an imprint of her hand in the ice. She placed her dish of water on top of her friend Wendys’ photo for 30 seconds, removed and froze, and it designed Wendy’s face in the ice! With over 50,000 examples of ice responding in what could almost be described as an intelligent way, it’s hard to overlook. Veda has taught hundreds of people globally how to use her simple freezing technique which is done in a regular freezer.

Veda reminds us that hundreds of years ago, water wasn’t referred to as water, it was called ‘The Waters’ and considered living and sacred. The term ‘her waters broke’, is a distant memory of old knowledge trickling down through the ages, but Veda’s new book ‘The Living Language of Water’ might just open the floodgates again. With over 1,500 photos and 300 pages, covering topics such as how water responds to energy, frequency, thoughts, words, emotions, music and pictures, this is 10 years of Veda’s research in one book. She also discusses the science, spirit or ‘wairua’ of water, indigenous wisdom, dreams, homeopathy, bodily fluids and much more.

Veda will be visiting Portugal on Saturday the 19th of October 2024 as part of her UK and European book tour. The event will take place at the Yeatman Hotel in Porto, with stunning views of the Douro River. Veda will give a 2 hour talk about her sacred work with water. She will be joined by special guest speaker, Dr Catherine Clinton, who will talk about how Veda's work is possible through the lens of quantum physics. After the presentation you will have the opportunity to meet Veda, have her sign a copy of her new book ‘The Living Language of Water’ and enjoy live music.

You can book tickets to this event via her website www.vedaaustin.com under the ‘Book Tour’ tab. Her website also provides links to buy her book, more information about her work and details of upcoming webinars. Veda can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.
Veda will also be a guest on the Portuguese-based ‘New Earth Podcast’ later this year. Subscribe for more details: https://www.youtube.com/@SarahChave