In a statement, AHP highlighted that one of the sector's major concerns is related to labour mobility and housing costs and, therefore, they have proposed to the Government, within the scope of the State Budget for next year (OE2025), “the creation of a ‘housing support subsidy’, a monetary amount granted by companies to workers up to a certain monthly amount, with the same tax treatment as the meal allowance (tax exemption)”.

Additionally, the association advocated increasing tax deductions for investments in the renovation and modernisation of hotel units, especially in cases where environmentally sustainable solutions are used and in areas outside the major tourist hubs.

The hoteliers also proposed deducting from taxable income the purchase of shareholdings and capital increases that guarantee control of operations in foreign markets, with a view to encouraging the internationalization of companies.

As for measures to support employment and talent retention, the AHP advocated incentives for “the creation of permanent contracts and incentives for companies to improve remuneration conditions without concomitant tax burden, such as the granting of bonuses, health insurance and support for education”, as well as exemption from IRS and Social Security for overtime work of up to 200 hours per year and total exemption from taxation on tips up to a certain limit.

The Government must submit the proposal for the 2025 State Budget to Parliament by October 10.