From meeting new people — whether they are sellers or buyers — to discovering new properties to sell or buy, the challenge is to make the perfect match between all these elements.
The day starts early, arriving at the office with the mission of handling the received emails and promptly responding to clients who have inquired about various types of houses & lands. Next, we sort and distribute contacts by nationality/language, ensuring personalized service by our multilingual team, we speak six different languages, which sets us apart.
At the Gibson Group, we work as a team. This teamwork extends to Algarve Property Agency ( and Quinta Hills ( Our promoters and back-office team stay updated with the latest market entries and the residences that have been reserved or sold through daily and thorough research.
Together, we study and prepare strategies to acquire new acquisitions in promising areas, distributing the work according to each team member's strengths. The most exciting part of the day arrives when the real estate agent heads out into the field, equipped with lists of properties to visit — prepared from the received requests. If what you seek is not in our vast database, we will find the perfect home for you!
During these visits, we take the opportunity to distribute leaflets and business cards at the villas that spark interest and interact with residents to obtain new contacts.
Back at the office, it's time to register the new contacts and information obtained. We work as a team to ensure every detail is well-documented in the listings, often with the help of our professional photographer, who is also part of the Group.
With exclusive listings on our websites, interested clients appear, and the meetings/interviews are crucial moments to understand their specific needs and desires. We define the search criteria and schedule visits to potential properties, bringing clients closer to their dream homes and making magic happen, as we take the time to dedicate ourselves exclusively to you.

All these processes are highly dynamic and personalized. We do not overlook the meticulousness regarding our premises, and the office's display window receives special attention.
Finally, the day ends with preparation for the next day: contacting clients, planning meetings, visits, and acquisition strategies. Each day is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and improve the services offered, always aiming to turn our clients' real estate dreams into reality.
Phone: +351 289 359 600
Phone: +351 289 358 955
Website: www.algarve
Phone: +351 961 306 557
Fancy an estate agent in this (digital, Internet) day and age thinking they need a physical office to operate from, and waiting to go there before replying to emails. That can be done in real time from your smartphone, no delay in replying is justified.
Having an office increases your operating costs, which are passed on to clients via higher commission charges. I've sold a couple of properties for good prices through online agents with no physical presence who've offered me cut-price commission, usually a fraction of what the others are charging. I'm not sure this agent understands how the market is shifting, and how high commissions can no longer be sustained.
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 16 Aug 2024, 10:57