This is an annual event for members and friends of the ASB which raises funds for the Gaivota home for children and teenagers in Albufeira. At the end of the afternoon I was pleased to present Dra Isabel Barrocas, the director of Gaivota, with 1100 euros. This included some donations from people unable to attend the lunch. Thank you to all for your generous donations. This year in addition to the money raised at the lunch there was another 1200 euros raised at a BBQ with the kids at the home in June and funding provided by the ASB for birthday presents for each of the residents throughout the year.
I must also congratulate fellow ASB member Martin Holloway. Martin runs quiz nights at the Cocktail Garden in Monte Carvoeiro and raised over 3000 euros thanks to the generosity of the participants. All much appreciated and greatly helps to improve the quality of life for all those at the Gaivota home.

Many thanks to all at Restaurante D' Mestres in Pêra for their kind hospitality and serving us with an excellent lunch as usual which was followed by my wife Dee's homemade Birthday cake for me.
Thanks to all who supported me with this event and over the past years since I started the ASB in 2010.
Recently the ASB has grown considerably and now the off-road Gravel Group run by Andrew Chilton is still growing. Longer tours of between 3 and 10 days in Portugal and Spain have been arranged by myself and Walter Kollert. The monthly rides continue to be popular and usually finish at a restaurant for a social lunch. Many thanks to Krazy World and Restaurante Fonte de Vale for providing Prize vouchers. Ken Blunt took charge of the raffle as well as auctioning a few items to boost the funds.

Thanks to all those who donated money and raffle prizes and for all the greetings and presents for my birthday and came along to help me celebrate the fact that I am now in my 70th year of riding motorcycles.
I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Peaceful New Year.
Ride safely.
by David Shirley. ASB Organiser.