Speaking to Lusa, Mayor Carlos Alves said that the video surveillance system, which will have two or three cameras, has already been installed and is expected to “go into operation in the first quarter of 2025”.

“There have already been situations of vandalism and there is a need to safeguard and protect the population, avoiding acts of vandalism that may occur”, explained the mayor.

At the last chamber meeting, the executive approved a cooperation agreement to be established with the GNR for the management of the video monitoring system.

“The local growth of the community, based on a high quality of life, on the one hand values ​​the village and the municipality and, on the other, results in an increase in the risk in terms of safety in relation to people, animals and property, increasing the occurrence of crimes and other illicit acts, such as acts of vandalism”, is mentioned in the protocol.

“The use of video surveillance, as an instrument to support the implementation of security policies and measures, aims to contribute objectively and decisively to strengthening the conditions necessary for the protection of people and property, for the prevention of criminal acts, deviant behaviour and the occurrence of incivilities, also providing greater operational effectiveness on the part of the GNR in the event of incidents, constituting an important complementary mechanism for police activity, in the preventive and reactive dimensions”, the document also reads.

Within the scope of the agreement, it is up to the municipality of the Lisbon district to acquire and make the video surveillance system available, ensuring its operation and maintenance and respective costs, to implement the legally required signage in public places covered by video surveillance and to install an image viewing centre in the local GNR post.