Welcome to the new month ahead - may it bring you closer to your goals and far from your worries, they say.
Phrases that come to mind on the first of any month - 'pinch punch, first of the month' and 'white rabbits' are two that I know of. Saying these words on the first day of the month is supposed to bring good luck for the four weeks ahead - I don’t know how much truth there is in this, but it’s worth having a go.
The 'pinch punch' bit
This phrase is thought to date back to the times of old England and the supposed existence of witches. The 'pinch' part refers to the pinching of the salt - as salt was believed to weaken the power of witches if thrown over them. The 'punch' part was to banish the witch once and for all. As if a handful of salt thrown at them and a hearty push would get rid of them? Hmm. Better than being strangled, hanged or burned I would imagine, especially for the innocent!
'White rabbits'
The term 'white rabbits' was recorded as being said by children, and in playground rules saying 'white rabbits, no return' immediately after enacting your pinch and punch, ensures that you cannot be pinched (or punched) back. And I remember this, having forgotten and been given a ‘dead arm punch’ by some smart kid at school. However, it is also said that you can retaliate with 'a flick and a kick for being so quick'. And all this was crucially invalid after mid-day apparently, probably to stop kids getting too black and blue from pinches and punches before getting home.
White rabbits are lucky
Why should white rabbits specifically bring luck, and not boring old brown ones, or multi-coloured ones? White rabbits have been linked to many myths and tales throughout time, and were seen as symbols of fertility and good luck in some cultures, but were warnings of bad omens in others. In religious stories since ancient times, the white rabbit has also represented journeys of transformation and rebirth, and the animal was considered the most desired Chinese zodiac animal, representing fertility and renewal.
It was also a common belief that RAF bomber aircrew during WW2 said ‘white rabbits’ first thing when waking up to protect them for the day. No one could doubt their courage and skill, yet even they looked to superstition for their survival – and who could blame them?
Magic Circle
And another thing – didn’t magicians always pull a white rabbit out of a hat as a trick? At the risk of being in trouble with the Magic Circle (a club founded in 1905 for Magicians, who had to prove their skill to gain entry and give their word to abide by the Latin motto - Indocilis private loqui - which translates as ‘not apt to disclose secrets’), the rabbit trick was pulled off as the hat had a false bottom. This would probably have been the first trick of the evening as the poor bunny needed to be put back in its cage because being squashed into a stifling black space put them under a lot of stress. I don’t think they use real bunnies anymore – no doubt the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Acts have stopped all that.
Don't Clean the House on New Year's Day
Bit late for this one - but apparently, you will wash away any good luck coming your way (thought: who in their right minds cleans house on New Year’s Day, unless clearing up after a New Year’s Eve Party?).
Now we are looking at March, and the saying ‘mad as a March Hare’ comes to mind when two hares might be seen boxing. But contrary to popular belief, it isn’t two male rival hares boxing - one is the female who gets fed up with being chased by a likely male suitor, so she turns around and gives him a good wallop, either to discourage him or test his stamina!
Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in Ireland, UK, Bermuda and the Isle of Man.