For all those looking for a new professional opportunity in the maritime tourism sector, AlgarExperience presents the "wOwPEN DAY", an unmissable recruitment event that takes place on 10 March at 10:00 am, at the Albufeira Marina – Belize Lounge.

This event marks the start of AlgarExperience's recruitment campaign, under the theme "The Future is WOW". Participants in the event will be offered an immersive experience that will allow them not only to get to know the team and the company's culture but also to experience first-hand what it means to work at AlgarExperience, which includes a boat trip along the Algarve coast.

As stated by Célia Crato, Chief People, Culture and Sustainability Officer at AlgarExperience: "The organisation of this event is a unique opportunity to present the maritime-tourism activity, allowing each candidate to have a closer contact with potential colleagues and experience first-hand the experience of being an employee of AlgarExperience."

With this event and subsequent recruitment campaign, the company is looking for people who are passionate about the sea, hospitality and the constant desire to exceed expectations. More than just recruitment, "wOwPEN DAY" is an invitation to join a team focused on excellence and creating memorable moments for customers and employees: "A group of people aligned in the same direction and with common values, contributing and sharing the best of each other is called a team. It is these teams that influence and create true value for the community and for the people who visit us, this is the Vision of AlgarExperience", defends Pedro Bacalhau, founder and CEO of AlgarExperience.

Places are limited and registration is mandatory.

Interested parties must guarantee their presence by filling out the form available at: