Among the affected roads are the Estrada do Campo de Alqueidão in Azambuja, and the Estrada do Campo in Benavente.

In Salvaterra de Magos, which is the municipality in the district most affected by the rains, there are obstructions on Rua Pinhal da Casa, Rua dos Veríssimos, Rua da Felgueira, Estrada do Paul Marinhais and the intersection of Estrada Municipal 581.

In Coruche, the detour next to the Escusa bridge, the Meias, Amieira and Rebolo road, the EN 119 (next to the Amieira road) and the Passagem Entre-Águas remain submerged, as does the Quinta da Broa – Golegã and Golegã – Azinhaga Municipal Path, in the municipality of Golegã.

In Cartaxo, interventions are concentrated in the Setil Tunnel, and in Torres Novas the Municipal Road (EM) 570 (Riachos) remains obstructed.

The municipality of Abrantes reports problems at the Canoeing Station, in Alvega, and in Constância the municipal road Tramagal – Santa Margarida and around 20% of the municipal parking remain inaccessible.

In the municipality of Vila Nova da Barquinha, the pier at Almourol Castle remains submerged.

According to Civil Protection, "it is expected that the flows released into the Tagus River by its tributaries will remain high in the coming days", also stating that "the flow rate" of the Sorraia River and its tributaries is expected to rise.

Civil Defense called on the population to remove agricultural and industrial equipment and vehicles from flood-prone areas, safeguard animals in safe places, remove livestock from flood-prone areas, and not cross roads or flooded areas with vehicles or on foot.

The Special Emergency Plan activated on 10th March following the bad weather recorded in mainland Portugal, foresees a set of actions to assist the populations in the event of flooding in the bed of the Tagus River and the publication of statements on the evolution of the situation.