The news was reported by the governor of the province of West Flanders, Carl Decaluwé, who quoted was in the Belgian press as saying that the young people were infected on holiday in the Algarve between 2 and 12 September.
About half of these 67 infected young people took part in a stay organised by the Belgian tour operator Summer Bash, which specialises in trips for young people aged 16-24, while the rest rented a private house for their holidays.
According to Carl Decaluwé, "the number of infected young people is likely to increase" as the Belgian authorities have not yet been able to trace all contacts of those who tested positive for Covid-19.
In all, 130 young Belgians spent the first fortnight in Portugal on holiday with the tour operator Summer Bash, and the company recommended testing and quarantining.
Most of these young people are from the cities of Waregem, Tielt and Roeselare in West Flanders, the Dutch part of Belgium.
"I suspect that they have not fully followed the restrictive measures," said the Mayor of Waregem, Kurt Vanryckeghem, also quoted by the press.
Like the metropolitan area of Lisbon and northern Portugal, the Algarve is included in the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' traffic light system, which means that screening and quarantine are only recommended on return to Belgium.
Isn’t it likely that they brought it with them from Belgium?
By Andy Smith from UK on 16 Sep 2020, 19:43
Mais à part cela tout va très bien en Algarve....sans parler d'autres cas qui ont été recensés en Belgique auprès d'autres personnes qui revenaient d'Albufeira...
On n'a plus confiance dans les propos du ministre de la santé portugais! Il y a trop d'argent en jeu!
By Michel Schuermans from Algarve on 17 Sep 2020, 08:24
Je me demande même si le Portugal News n'est pas de mèches avec le gouvernement portugais pour divulguer de fausses informations...
By Michel Schuermans from Algarve on 17 Sep 2020, 08:26
OR maybe they got it from some Brits...
By paul minnet from Algarve on 17 Sep 2020, 09:08
Probably brought it to Algarve with them as there have been no large outbreaks here,and the big groups of young people dont keep the regulations well
By Rob from Algarve on 17 Sep 2020, 09:21
Andy Smith, I agree with you, I wonder how many infected tourists came to the Algarve this summer, was it really worth it?
By Paul Anthony O'Connor from Algarve on 17 Sep 2020, 09:31
Estatisticamente É mais provável que tenham trazido a infecção do que terem sido infectados.
By Jno from Other on 17 Sep 2020, 12:05
It was already reported that two of them were likely already infected before they came to Portugal.
By Oliver from UK on 17 Sep 2020, 12:23
The "Dutch" part of Belgium is Flanders and the inhabitants thereof Flemish/Flemings. They came from the Flemish part of Belgium, at least it's not Dutch now but if some populist Flemings have their way it would be. True, the language is more or less Dutch but there are some differences.
By Paul from Other on 17 Sep 2020, 13:52
I've just got back from Algarve I've been tested all clear so it's not from Brits probs already had it Portugal is safe
By Jeff Bonney from UK on 17 Sep 2020, 15:21
Paul minnet your an idiot, just as likely had it with them when they got here as the cases are so low here atm
By Gavin benson from UK on 17 Sep 2020, 15:29
Being that Belgium is the most infected country in Europe (over 850 people per million habitantes) I don't believe they got it in Albufeira
By GORGE N VIEGAS from Algarve on 17 Sep 2020, 20:28
My husband and 2 teenage son's traveled to Albufeira from Toronto, Canada for 10 days August 19th. Everyone was wearing masks &using sanitizer. People tried to social distance but in certain circumstances it wasn't possible. We tested before we left Canada and all was good then and upon returning home. These are young people out trying to live a little during a pandemic. Let's not play the blame game. We are in this together.
By Lucia from Other on 17 Sep 2020, 22:00