In a question addressed to the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, and sent to the Lusa agency, BE deputy Moisés Ferreira argues that it is "essential" that the Beja hospital "proceed with the clarification" of the case and, "before the situation", that "IGAS intervention is triggered and access to the resulting report is made available".

Through the question, the blockade deputy questions whether the Government is aware of the situation and whether IGAS will open an inquiry into the care provided to people in the emergency room at Beja hospital.

Moisés Ferreira also wants to know if "the reinforcement of human resources was taken care of to adequately respond to the demand for services" at the Beja hospital and if this health unit "has the human resources necessary for its operation".

Speaking to the Lusa news agency, Ana Teixeira, sister-in-law, said that the man died on 31 January, "sitting in a wheelchair at the emergency door" of the hospital after having been more than three hours, "between 5.30pm and 9pm", in the waiting room with a "yellow bracelet" waiting to be seen by a doctor.

According to the Manchester Screening System used in the National Health Service (NHS) to classify, through a clinical protocol, the severity of each patient who uses a hospital emergency service, the yellow bracelet is assigned to an urgent case and the patient should be seen within one hour.

Contacted by Lusa, the board of directors of the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo, which manages the hospital in Beja, lamented the man's death and said that on the 5th of this month, "a process of inquiry was opened to clarify the situation."