Students, teachers, parents and other members of the community were invited, as well as a local group of Senior cyclists, the Lagos Municipality, the Brigada de Trânsito and the GNR from Lagos, to accompany the enthusiastic cyclists on the journey. To promote this activity a contribution of €2 per participant was donated to the Wallacea Club. This is equivalent to the average cost of fuel to complete the journey in a car.
This event first started in the USA with the objective of raising awareness of the advantages of walking or cycling to school, known as the Walk/Bike to School organization. In conjunction with this activity, VVIS started a Science/Environment Club to raise the profile of Wallacea. All funds will be donated to the Wallacea Club to promote environmental concerns and raise funds to sponsor a research expedition to Mexico in the Summer of 2020.
Bike to School Day at VVIS
By Advertiser, in Algarve · 28 Jun 2018, 13:22 · 0 Comments
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