The manifesto will be debated and voted on at the PS National Convention in Lisbon on July 20.
The creche-supplement seeks to attribute a “universal guaranteed value integrated in family allowances for those with children in creches. Subsidies will kick in starting with the second child”.
The PS said it is the difficulty or apprehension that parents feel in having a second or third child that stops an increase in the birth rate.
That is why it is imperative to help parents in making the decision to increase the number of children in the family, so the PS will reduce income tax rates according to the number of children in a family and not according to parental income.
As was announced by António Costa, leader of the socialists, the PS intends to promote ample debate and strategic conciliation talks to reach agreement on the issues of reconciling work, personal and family life, birth rates and parenting.
For the PS, the objective of the debate is to include issues such as teleworking, work timetables,and absences from work in collective bargaining.
Following the recent nurses’ strike the PS Parliamentary Group is considering taking measures to regulate so-called crowdfunding and anonimous donations.
The PS also wants to encourage trade union representation and participation in workers’ committees by new groups of workers, in particular self-employed workers.