"It was very important that governance should follow straight and not tortuous lines and that common points for global ocean governance should be accepted. Aspects such as reforestation is one of them, as well as the protection of coastal areas," Ricardo Serrão Santos in said in statements to journalists.
The Portuguese minister was in Paris today, to prepare for the UN Ocean Conference that will take place in Portugal next year.
This was his first trip abroad to officially open an event promoted by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission during the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which runs until 27 November in Paris.
One of the mottos of this visit is the preparation of the United Nations Conference on Oceans that will take place in June 2020 and that wants to establish commitments among all countries with regard to the preservation of the oceans.
"We need a commitment to share data, so that there is a transfer of technology to developing countries and international cooperation at the scientific level," said the minister.
According to Santos, the Oceans Conference will be an initiative that will link science, society and political power.
"The politicians are essential in this, because no science will save the planet if there is no good governance," he said.
Santos added that the oceans are in crisis and are the safeguard of the climate.
"There is great knowledge of the oceans, but the oceans are changing and in crisis. (...) If we don't solve the issues of the oceans and don't innovate, we will be in a dramatic situation from 2030", the Portuguese minister added.