Organised by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the meeting brings together experts from 60 countries to analyse the capacities and limits of ecosystems to adapt to climate change, as well as options to reduce the risks associated with the climate.
Since its foundation, the IPCC has produced five major reports and other documents relevant to society and policymakers around the world, and the sixth assessment report will be written in Faro.
The draft of this document will be circulated for review by governments and experts in August this year.
This is one of the three IPCC working groups, created by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, in charge of analysing impacts, adaptation and vulnerability to climate change.
Climate Change, stop this brainwashing rubbish, as journalists you are obliged to research your material and report unbiased, are you doing that, what happened to Al Gore, why arent many countries under water, why in Miami they are constructing many new condos and doing 30 year mortgages, (no sign of rising sea levels) ask these ''climate change experts'' what climate change model they base their findings on, then ask them, what do they think about the Russian Model, whatever happened to ''global warming'' the truth is the earth is cooling down due to a reduction of solar flares beginning in 2020, if the ''More than 250 global climate change experts'' donated their fees to the poor and needy then i'd listen will they be transported in private jets, private cars, 5 star hotels, experts my back side, nothing but a free paid lunch.
By Mr John from Lisbon on 29 Jan 2020, 17:33