The legislative initiative was presented by the PSD bench and had the votes in favour of the PSD, CDS, JPP and PCP and against the PS, with deputy Rubina Leal (PSD) criticizing the “discriminatory attitude and violation of the rights” of the citizens of Madeira in this matter by the Government of the Republic.

The Social Democratic parliamentarian criticized the “discrepancy in the way the State ensures these means” in the continental territory, when in Madeira the costs are borne by the Madeiran executive.

Rubina Leal also considered it "unacceptable" that the PS voted against this need defended in a proposal presented by PSD deputies elected by the region in São Bento, in the seat of the State Budget for 2020.

"It has been proven and clear since 2018 that the use of this medium has been effective, being imperative that the region has this medium throughout the year" and not only during the four months, in the height of summer, he said, pointing out the problems caused by climate change.

The deputy of the CDS-PP, party of the coalition of the Regional Government, António Lopes da Fonseca, defended that "the Republic, independently of the party that governs, must ensure the security of the whole national territory".

"The time has come for us to forget about political differences and unanimously understand each other for security", maintained the deputy, stressing that "air means are fundamental for the region".

While defending the need for the “permanent presence” of the air environment in the region, deputy Rafael Nunes (JPP) pointed out that PSD / Madeira “ignores its past of inertia” in this matter, because for years it “refused to introduce” the helicopter.

He also recalled that the current president of the Madeiran executive, Miguel Albuquerque, at the time he was mayor of Funchal, “was a staunch and loyal opponent” of the use of air resources in the region, justifying with the problems of orography and winds.

The only deputy of the PCP in the Madeira Assembly, Ricardo Lume, corroborated the criticisms of the JPP parliamentarian against the resistance shown by the Regional Government of Madeira for the adoption of aerial means in fighting fires.

“In relation to this matter, we have to denounce political opportunism, in the PSD's proposals to the Assembly of the Republic”, said the communist deputy, considering that there must be “a clear negotiation and this matter should not be used for political use”.

The parliamentary leader of the PS, Miguel Iglésias, considered that this “is a diploma out of time”, arguing that the region did not want to participate in the national competition for the allocation of air resources, stating that “the Regional Government transmitted that it was going to do the hiring direct”.

Also approved was a unanimous vote of solidarity by the PSD "in memory of February 20, 2010".

However, the PSD and CDS rejected an identical vote proposed by the PCP deputy in solidarity with the flood victims, who had the favourable votes of the other parties (PS, JPP).

Congressman Ricardo Lume stressed that, 10 years after this “fateful event”, there are still “people who live in places without adequate security” and that “40 percent of the Media Law remains to be used”, created to carry out the reconstruction of houses in three years.